Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 2- the water was rough

Late last night as I was going to bed I got some pretty bad news. News that will essentially call for an entirely different lifestyle than the one that I had previously been living. Through many hours of thinking all night long and losing many hours of sleep I realized multiple things. The most important thing that I realized was that I had one week to spend in the Adirondacks, away from everything, away from reality essentially. And that might actually be a blessing in disguise at this point in time. When I woke up this morning I had a slump, I had my points of pitying myself. But then I told myself I need to change my attitude, life happens, things happen, it is what it is. I became very homesick throughout the day wanting nothing more than my family and friends. However, the I realized I am surrounded by one of the things that I love the absolute most; nature. We went on a kayak ride after lunch and that was my turning point of the day. It took my mind off of everything and made me feel a lot better. It allowed me to realize that if I allow myself to enjoy myself, regardless of terrible news, I will enjoy myself. I am in a place that I love, I don't want anything to take that away from me. Regardless of the fact that the water was a little rough on the lake as well as in life today, that's not going to stop me from enjoying the ride.

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